Offset(Bulk) Printing

Offset printing is the best choice when considering your next project where very high quality and medium to high volume copies are required.
Offset printing also provides extremely accurate color with sharp and clean image reproduction. Using the best in print machinery with personal close attention to detail, at One to One printers Limited we pride ourselves on the ability to produce quality results and always continuing to do so.

The Offset Process:

  • Offset is one of the most common ways of creating printed materials.
  • The technology uses aluminium plates to transfer an image onto a rubber ‘blanket’ and then rolling that blanket image onto the sheet of paper.
  • Offset printing uses CMYK which translates to four basic colors Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black. This 4 color print is also called Full color.
  • We have invested heavily in equipment to do the above process producing great and reasonably priced results.

Commonly produced by the process are:

Funeral programs





Annual GM Reports

Church Bulletins
